Larry FarberEastCoast Entertainment

This is @Work with Dr. Elizabeth Teagarden. For over a decade, Dr. Teagarden has worked with small to medium enterprises to create more drama free workplaces. Here on the @Work podcast, she speaks with presidents, owners and executives of companies about their unique workforce ecosystems and how they create great places to work.

Larry Farber has devoted his life to music. Larry has played in bands, managed bands, opened Middle C Jazz club, and welcomed innumerable legends to town through Music With Friends concerts. A former partner at East Coast Entertainment, Larry has a lifetime of stories and friendships as a consummate insider in the music industry. A native of Charlotte, he supports a number of charitable causes and has organized many successful events for his spiritual home, Temple Beth El. Larry Farber is our guest today on The @ Work Podcast.


EastCoast Entertainment

Middle C Jazz Club


Dr. Elizabeth Teagarden on LinkedIn
